Care for Women with Cervical Cancer
Timely diagnosis, treatment, pain management and palliative care are essential components to achieve elimination and important for dignity, comfort, and wellbeing of women living with cervical cancer.
Prompt initiation and completion of the full treatment plan with access to high-quality multidisciplinary teams gives women the best chance of cure or optimal management of their cancer.
Early and late stage disease treatment options may include surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Many women, especially in low and low-middle income countries, are diagnosed with advanced stage cervical cancer, where the cancer has spread to other parts of the body where treatment may be more costly and outcomes less positive.
Health facilities in low- and middle-income countries are currently faced with limited equipment and trained professionals to treat cervical cancer and provide palliative care services.
Civil society groups, including cervical cancer patients and survivors play an important role in supporting patient navigation, identifying weaknesses in the health system, advocating for change, and providing information to the women living with cervical cancer.